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НОВОСТИ. События в Армении

Yerevan hosts the 2nd International Osteoporosis Summit

Yerevan hosts the 2nd International Osteoporosis Summit

The 2nd International Summit of Central Asia and Eastern Europe was held in Yerevan on October 23. It brought together members from different parts of osteoporosis associations. Among guests were leading physicians from Romania, Moldova, the Czech Republic and other countries. We were informed about this through our conversation with Varta Babalyan, President of the Armenian Osteoporosis Association:

Օստեոպորոզի հայկական ասոցիացիայի ղեկավար Վարտա Բաբալյան“It is a very important event for Armenia. This is the second international summit, which was initiated by John Bilezikian, Professor of Columbia University and Armenian Osteoporosis Association. The Summit was attended by over forty leading professionals. Yerevan hosted leading professionals, as well as representatives of associations from different parts of the world. The focus of the summit was to unite the works of associations and it seems to succeed. International experts gladly accepted the invitation to attend the Summit. Various important issues were discussed during the meeting.

It is a gratifying fact, that the participating guests welcomed the invitation to visit Armenia. Our activities are highly appreciated by the International Osteoporosis Foundation. They often bring us as an example, which, of course, is a pleasing fact. For many guests this is a perfect opportunity not only to enrich professional knowledge, but also to see Armenia. There are participants who visit Armenia for the second time”.


Երևանում կայացավ օստեոպորոզի միջազգային 2-րդ սամմիթը

 V. Babalyan highlighted that the Summit became a reality thanks to John Bilezikian, Professor of Columbia University. Each year he organizes international conferences which are attended by specialists from America and Europe, who present the latest treatment methods of osteoporosis within the framework of the summit.

 Պրոֆեսոր Ջոն ԲիլեզիկյանDuring our conversation with Professor John Bilezikian, he mentioned that the exchange of information in the field of osteoporosis is very important.

“This is the second summit. Unlike the first summit, today more specialists have arrived Armenia to introduce the activities, problems and achievements of their associations, and this is very important”.

According to J. Bilezikian, summit allows the specialists to be informed.

“Of course, if a specialist has an appropriate knowledge he will certainly diagnose and treat properly. I'm sure that this meeting will be very useful”.


Երևանում կայացավ օստեոպորոզի միջազգային 2-րդ սամմիթըDuring our conversation with Kim Snyder, Professor of Columbia University, she highlighted:


“I am glad that the RA Ministry of Health is doing a great job in the field of continuous education, which is very important in the rapidly changing world of knowledge. Crediting is my main function in the University of Columbia”.


Երևանում կայացավ օստեոպորոզի միջազգային 2-րդ սամմիթը Երևանում կայացավ օստեոպորոզի միջազգային 2-րդ սամմիթը


K. Snyder is convinced that co-operation will soon be established between Colombia University and Armenia.


 During our conversation with Olga Lesnyak, President of the Russian Osteoporosis Association, she highlighted:

“We find it very important to participate in this kind of event, as there is an opportunity to listen and compare. Moreover, we are neighbors, so we have the same problems, which is not accidental. Almost all countries of the former Soviet Union have a very similar healthcare system”.


O. Lesnyak highly appreciates the work done by the Armenian Osteoporosis Association.


Երևանում կայացավ օստեոպորոզի միջազգային 2-րդ սամմիթը Երևանում կայացավ օստեոպորոզի միջազգային 2-րդ սամմիթը


“I should mention that Armenia can serve as an example for many countries. The Armenian Osteoporosis Association carries out a lot of work and it's obvious. I am sure that the participants will learn a lot”.


Երևանում կայացավ օստեոպորոզի միջազգային 2-րդ սամմիթը Երևանում կայացավ օստեոպորոզի միջազգային 2-րդ սամմիթը

The honorable guest of the Summit, Philippe Halbout, Chief Executive Officer of International Osteoporosis Foundation, is sure:

“It is a great honor for us to cooperate with this Summit which is attended by leading specialists and members of osteoporosis associations representing more than twenty countries.  Today, they are here to raise their problems, and if possible, we can help. Their role and the work they do are, of course, invaluable. They help people suffering from osteoporosis and take preventive measures”.

Ph. Halbout is sure that such events will be continuous in Armenia and specialists will meet again.


Երևանում կայացավ օստեոպորոզի միջազգային 2-րդ սամմիթը Երևանում կայացավ օստեոպորոզի միջազգային 2-րդ սամմիթը

Երևանում կայացավ օստեոպորոզի միջազգային 2-րդ սամմիթը Երևանում կայացավ օստեոպորոզի միջազգային 2-րդ սամմիթը

Երևանում կայացավ օստեոպորոզի միջազգային 2-րդ սամմիթը Երևանում կայացավ օստեոպորոզի միջազգային 2-րդ սամմիթը



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